I've met quite a few people lately who fart freely. They will let it rip whenever they feel like it, no matter where they are or who they are with.
I'm not hatin' on people who like to cut the cheese every once in a while. It can be a good ice breaker. It brings people together. It's humor everyone can appreciate...no matter their age, sex, race...it's a universal gag. That being said, I should probably say that I, myself, am not a free farter...and I am ok with that. I don't even let one go in front of Aaron, and we've been together for over eight years.
I've had friends and family members who like to let a peep out here and there, and of course, kids are always tearing it up, but professional gas is something I've not experienced very often. (When I say "professional gas", I don't mean pro as in 'experts on flatulence'....I mean gas in a business-related setting).
Ironically, Aaron and I both had therapy sessions yesterday with two different families that were free farters.
Aaron was seeing a kid for the first time, and right when he got there, he thought he heard some audible gas, but he shook his head, thinking, "No, that can't be it." He pretended that he hadn't heard it and kept working.
Then, about half an hour later, he saw out of the corner of his eye, the dad lift his leg ever so slightly.
There was no denying it that time.
What he heard rumble out of that man was unquestionably... a fart.
Not sure how to react, he ignored it again.
I must have looked unimpressed because Aaron quickly went on to say, "It was LOUD!" Then he imitated the sound by putting both hands over his mouth while blowing out. I burst into a fit of giggles. Aaron said, "Don't get me wrong, I LOVE farts. They're fun! I fart all the time! ...BUT not in front of strangers!!"
This was almost too much to take. I ran to the bathroom, and Aaron followed me. "Where are you going?!" I was already shutting the door in his face. "I HAVE TO PEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I'm laughing so hard...I'm afraid some is going to eek out!"
When I caught my breath, I said, "You know, this is so weird because I had an adult farter today, too! I have to admit, though, it kind of made me mad, not glad."
It was Aaron's turn to chuckle. In a rush of air, I went on, defending myself. "Well, they didn't have any air conditioning!" Now I was laughing, too. "The heat intensified the smell! It was just festering in there, Double! It smelled so bad, and I was so hot! I almost couldn't take it."
Hearing it aloud just made the situation all the more ridiculous...I doubled over, snorting and hiccuping.
We laughed so hard for so long, my cheeks and stomach are sore today.
The moral of the story?
Try not to worry about things that irritate you...because one day (...or even the same day) it may provide you and your loved ones with hours of entertainment.
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