Thursday, January 20, 2011

Personalized License Plates

I loate personalized license plates. The cutesy ones "LUVUTOO"; the arrogant ones, "NETWRTH"; the ones that boast their brand of car, "JENSBMW4"; the confusing ones, "L8MRTNG" doesn't matter. I HATE them all! Why is it necessary to expel these cryptic messages on our roadways?? Sometimes, if the plate is REALLY lame, I try to speed up so I can get next to the driver....just so I can have an idea what this kind of a deuche bag really looks like. If I were really bold, I'd roll down my window and give them a piece of my mind! I just saw a plate on a Mercedes the other day that said, "DOINIT"...I so wanted to pull up next to him and say, "Doin what?? Being a deuche bag??"

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